On Jan. 3, Iowa's Republican caucus voters will decide which presidential nominee they feel will have the best chance of defeating President Barack Obama next November. However, "undecided" continues to hold on to the top spot as conservatives weigh the pros and cons of the candidates. Here's a look at what Iowa GOP voters said this week, about one month before voting.
"[I] haven't really decided yet as far as the caucus goes. I'm leaning towards Newt Gingrich because he seems to be the more moderate one out of all of the other candidates. I feel he has the experience that's necessary, he's gung-ho, so that's good and I think he would make a great leader. I agree with others that anybody but Romney, although I don't dislike him. I will not support Herman Cain because of the sex scandal surrounding him." -- Trent McKinney, sales associate, Fairfield
"I'm not really pleased with anybody that's out there right now. I haven't decided who to support yet and I'm not leaning towards anyone at this time. I'd love to see Rudy Giuliani run, but the rest of them aren't doing anything for me. I don't dislike any of them, but they just aren't doing it for me. They're not solid, they're changing their minds and I just don't like that. Nothing really solid comes out from any of them." -- Debra Hunt, small-business owner of Cookies From the Heart, Fairfield
"No, I haven't decided on who I will support at the caucus yet. There's still a lot of time to figure that out, but I like Romney and I'm leaning towards him based on some of the things he has to say. I trust him and I think he speaks the truth. As far as the other candidates go, I can't say that I don't like any of the other ones, but I like Romney better right now." Carl Barr, retired, Fairfield
"I haven't made up my mind yet as to who I'll support at the caucus. I'm leaning towards Rick Perry. I lived in Texas for 25 years and he did a good job running the state down there and there's lots of jobs there. His fire answer to the wildfires down there over the summer was bad, but the jobs were good and his job creation is important to me. I don't dislike any of the other ones." -- Barbara Kistler, administrative assistant, Fairfield
"I'm undecided at the moment as to who I'll support at the caucus. I'm possibly leaning towards Rick Perry because of what he's done in Texas because that could maybe correlate to what he could do to the country. No, I can't say there's any of the candidates I don't like." -- Lyle Hannes, factory worker, Fairfield
"I'm undecided at this time as to who I'll support when I go to caucus. Not leaning towards anyone yet. No, there's none of them that I dislike. I'm waiting for the field to thin out and then I'll make my decision. I haven't heard anything yet that really sways me towards one person." -- Linda Mitcheltree, retired teacher, Keosauqua
"No, I haven't decided who to support yet. I'm not leaning towards anyone at this time. I just haven't heard enough yet to make a decision. I do know that I don't like Michele Bachmann. I just don't feel good about her." -- Karen Crawford, medical assistant - Fairfield Clinic, Fairfield
"I haven't decided which one I'll support at the caucus and I don't see anybody out there right now that I'm really sold on. I don't like Cain. He's got a lot of troubles and I don't think he's electable and I'm concerned about Romney because he seems to be flip flopping around and that bothers me. I like Ron Paul to a certain degree, but I don't think he's electable." -- Richard Hunt, foundry manager at Fairfield Aluminum Casting Co., Fairfield
"I'll support Mitt Romney at the caucus. I like what he stands for. Education, faith, hope and I like that. I don't like Ron Paul. He's OK, I guess, but I just don't like some of the things he's said." -- Carol Morrison, retired, Fairfield
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