However, that assumption can lead you to some frustrations later when you see your "cash" dwindling. If you review the account information of your money market fund you will notice that the fund is investing in some disturbing things such as European bank debt. However, you may think that you can get your money out with a mouse click, right? After all it is like a checking account and it is your money.
You may be for a surprise. The US Fed recognizes the potential weakness of the money fund system and is considering withdrawal limits on money market funds.On July 19, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said it supports limiting some types of money-market fund withdrawals in a bid to protect those funds from suffering the equivalent of a bank run. Interesting!
Many things that have been sold to us as "risk-free", may after all not be so "risk-free". Money market funds must be reviewed and you cannot assume that it is "like a savings account" with no or little risk. Many things that we were told that were sound investments need to be re-evaluated. Banks can no longer be trusted to be "too big to fail", Corporate America cannot be trusted to properly compesate us for our labor, governments do run out of money, and even the all mighty dollar stops functioning as a store of value.
What will happen next? Will our government impose control over our retirement accounts?
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