Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Texas groups await Biden gun proposals





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$NEWLINE By$NEWLINE $NEWLINE Ben Kamisar$NEWLINE $NEWLINE | \tMonday, January 14, 2013, 04:01 PM$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE With Vice President Joe Biden?s gun violence task force recommendations due Tuesday, both sides of the gun-control debate in Texas are anxious to see exactly what the group will recommend.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE ?You can?t prepare for something you have no idea on, except for the fact that everybody views it as an impending threat to the rights of the law-abiding,? said Alice Tripp, legislative director of the Texas State Rifle Association. ?Everything has been rumored, from the confiscation of certain firearms and firearms equipment to outrageous taxing on ammunition and registration of firearms.?$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE President Obama created the task force in the wake of the shooting in Newtown, Conn. Biden, one of the original authors of the 1994 crime bill that included a 10-year assault weapons ban, met with a number of interest groups and legislators to combine legislative options with actions specifically designed for the executive branch. However, the National Rifle Association said it was ?disappointed? with the task force?s direction, echoing fears of gun-rights advocates who believe an increase in gun restrictions infringes on their Second Amendment rights.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE ?Law-abiding gun owners don?t like to be vilified,? Tripp said. ?They won?t put up with intrusions into rights and having possessions made very restrictive, very expensive or very inaccessible.?$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE The Texas Democratic Party assembled its own task force in late December$NEWLINEto prepare recommendations for changes to state gun control laws and expects to release recommendations to the Legislature by early February.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE Co-chair Tommy Adkisson, who also serves as a Bexar County Commissioner, said that the task force will look at the Vice President?s recommendations to potentially incorporate them into their proposal. Adkisson also said that while the group is supportive of the Second Amendment, there is room for improvement of the current laws and that it would seem ?logical? to look at increasing background checks and restricting large ammunition clips.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE The Texas State Rifle Association, a state organization affiliated with the National Rifle Association, countered the assertion that creating new laws could stop gun crime. Instead, Tripp said, the problem lies in the failure to prosecute current gun laws that restrict possession of guns, and that much of the gun control legislation proposed in Congress would have been powerless to prevent the recent mass-shootings if they had been in place.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE ?None of this, the pending legislation, had absolutely anything to do with the firearms used or the person who perpetrated the crime [in Newtown],? Tripp said.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE The two organizations did agree that guns are not the only issue here. While the TSRA is a single-issue advocacy group that only focuses on gun laws, Tripp said that she believed there are deeper social problems at the root of gun violence. Adkisson echoed that sentiment, saying that his task force has also focused on mental health issues as another piece of the problem.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE Ultimately, the task force hopes to gain support across the aisle. Task force spokeswoman Tanene Allison emphasized that although the task force is run by the Democratic Party, its goals go far beyond Democratic values.$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE ?I think that public safety is a non-partisan issue, ? Allison said. ?Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, everyone wants to believe that our children will be safe at schools.?$NEWLINE


$NEWLINE Get more Legislative coverage inside the$NEWLINE $NEWLINE Virtual Capitol$NEWLINE $NEWLINE





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Source: http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/politics/entries/2013/01/14/texas_groups_await_biden_gun_p.html?cxntfid=blogs_postcards

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