Sunday, February 12, 2012

Identify The Causes And Fixes For Your Anxiety Head Pain | New ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Headaches are an extremely common complaint thanks to the increased stress of today?s society. It is not usual, though, to suffer from a major headache each day or each week. If you would like to be taught how to prevent or even cure your stress headaches, keep reading! Depending on what has been causing your headaches to happen, some of the methods we talk about will probably work a lot better than others.

Perhaps the most common cause of stress headaches is not getting enough sleep. People typically need at least seven hours of sleep at night to feel rested and good. If you?ve gotten much less than this amount, you?re raising your risk rate for a bunch of different problems, not the least of which is headaches.

Try to change your daily habits so you get to bed earlier. You might also try not consuming as much caffeine and turning off your TV and computer up to an hour earlier than usual. You could also try to fit a nap into your day. Even if you have a difficult time actually sleeping during the day, just lying down and closing your eyes for a little bit can be very helpful. You don?t have to wait until a headache sets in to do this either, just by taking a little bit of time to relax each day you could prevent the headaches from happening altogether. Tension headaches can be caused by tightness around your jaw. There aren?t that many people who understand just how tightly they clench their jaws when they are tense and this can cause a host of symptoms not the least of which is a headache. In extreme cases, this leads to TMJ, where any movement of the jaw can become painful. When this happens (and it happens every once in a while) you need to see your doctor or dentist. Of course, you don?t have to have TMJ to have jaw tension cause stress headaches. The best remedy for this is to become aware of tension in the jaw area and making a conscious effort to relax. You could also try putting something like a pen or pencil (or similarly structured item) between your teeth. You don?t want to bite down on this object, but it will remind you to release any tension there.

Acupuncture and other healing methodologies that trigger pressure points can be brilliant ways to cure chronic headaches. If there?s a good acupuncture practitioner in your local area, you should go in for a consultation because acupuncture is a fantastic way to cure your headaches and reduce your overall stress. You may have to go for a series of sessions. An even easier, and less expensive approach is to learn about pressure points on your hands and feet. Reflexology is just one system that teaches this and there is a lot of information about it available online. Still another technique that may work is called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, which has you tap various points on your body, and this can be useful for relaxation and stopping stress headaches.

Exercise is a great remedy for stress headaches. This might seem obvious, but you probably aren?t going to want to go to the gym when you?ve got a bad headache. What you should be thinking about, however, is getting more exercise in general, which can have the result of your getting fewer headaches. Aerobic exercise is very good for increasing your circulation and intake of oxygen, which is likely to prevent headaches. Don?t try to exercise while you have a headache, but start making it part of your routine, at least a few times per week and you should gradually see a real improvement. There are lots of ways to treat your stress headaches and you can start with one of the methods we?ve talked about here. Most of all, the best way to prevent these kinds of headaches from happening is to learn how best to relax even in scenarios that normally make you tense. This may not be easy, but you can train yourself to not let life stress you out so much. There are many benefits to reducing stress in your life, and not getting so many headaches is one of them.

One effective way to reduce stress is to tune in to relaxing music. To be able to conquer tension whenever it happens, consistently carry a music player along with you, for instance an iPod. This will make sure you can relax whenever you want.

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